Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hello, world.

irb:001:0> def y(&f)
irb:002:1>   lambda {|x| x[x]}[
irb:003:2*     lambda {|yf|
irb:004:3*       lambda {|*args| f[yf[yf]][*args]}
irb:005:3>     }
irb:006:2>   ]
irb:007:1> end

irb:008:0> fac = lambda {|n|
irb:009:1*         y {|r|
irb:010:2*           lambda {|x,acc|
irb:011:3*             x == 0 ? acc : r[x-1, x*acc]
irb:012:3>           }
irb:013:2>         }[n, 1]
irb:014:1>       }

irb:015:0> fac[5]
=> 120


mannkind said...

I take it that you are done with "Three Brothers" then?

Brendan said...

Not exactly... it's uptime is so shameful that I felt like I should have a decoupled blog. When I get it up again, I'll probably use Three Brothers for more technical/nerdly posts. I'll work some RSS feed merging magic to get both blogs up through Feedburner, and everyone will win!