I just received Bob Dylan's Tell Tale Signs in the mail.
It's a delightful collection of rare and unreleased tracks from recent years. The most rewarding gem so far is an expanded version of one of my favorite songs: Can't Wait.
Contemplate these words — only a snippet of the full lyrics, mind you — and think on how true they are to the human experience.
Skies are grey, I'm looking for anything that will bring a happy glow
Night or day, it doesn't matter where I go anymore; I just go
If I ever saw you coming I don't know what I would do
I'd like to think I could control myself, but it isn't true
That's how it is when things disintegrate
And I don't know how much longer I can wait
What do you run after to find a "happy glow"?
1 comment:
It's amazing how our world looks so desperately for some little glimpse (or glow) of something bright and good in the world and miss completely the brightest hope of all.
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